Hit by Inspiration – The Birth of a new Site

Do you know the feeling of having an idea for something and you keep thinking about it? Well it hit me the other day and now all I do is think about it. And while I am at it, why not just rewrite my whole useradminstration system?? -sigh- ok ….

first thing I was considering was to change my db abstraction layer from MySQL to MySQLi. During my research I found MeekroDB (http://www.meekro.com). Interestingly enough it is meant to be used as a static singleton class instead as an object (you can use it as an object, but why make it more difficult?). Since it also supports large insert by passing it an arry of key value arrays it helps to make my user system more flexible and cuts down on the rewrite effort.

About SilverDay

There is always something new to discover right around the next corner. Are you brave (or curious) enough to go looking? (The Traveller, Martin Erlin) Who am I? Well I would say that is up to you, valued visitor, to find out. I do not claim to be the most knowledgable person in the world, quite to the contrary, I am a very curious person. Learning new things and getting to know new and interesting people is what I am interested in. In others I value respect and tolerance even if opinions or convictions differ, which of course others may expect to receive from me too. Life is much too short to spend arguing about pointless things. Let us explore this world and its possibilities together instead of trying to change each other. I am currently working as Project Lead (PRINCE2) and System Engineer. In my free time I enjoy working on websites and digital photography. I am also interested in virtual worlds like OpenSim and Second Life. If you would like to get to know me better, feel free to ask your questions, but be prepared to answer mine too.

Posted on February 23, 2012, in General, Webdesign and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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